Monday, July 13, 2009

The Road Not Taken

Road not taken is pretty short poem consist of four stanza. The poem is about making a choice between two road. Main theme of the poem is that everyone has to make decision in life. In the poem, decision are made by deciding between two road. The first stanza, the narrator talks about two different roads. He is sorry that he can't take roads at same time. Also, one of the road is bend which represents the roads we have to take to achieve our goal are not straightforward. Second stanza talks about the second road which is about the same as the first one. Third stanza discusses about notice that the leaves were both fresh fallen on them both and had not been walked on, but then again claims that maybe he would come back and also walk the first one sometime, but he doubted he would be able to, because in life one thing leads to another and time is short. Fourth stanza, at the being of the story the narrator talks about both of the road being the same distance. However, at the end of the poem the narrator talks about he took the one less traveled road. This tends to emphasize the importance of this last stanza and ignore the previous stanzas where the narrator reveals the roads are about the same. Narrator of Road Not Taken discusses great detail about how any choice we make is going to make “all the difference” in how our future turns out.

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