Monday, July 13, 2009

The Road Not Taken

Road not taken is pretty short poem consist of four stanza. The poem is about making a choice between two road. Main theme of the poem is that everyone has to make decision in life. In the poem, decision are made by deciding between two road. The first stanza, the narrator talks about two different roads. He is sorry that he can't take roads at same time. Also, one of the road is bend which represents the roads we have to take to achieve our goal are not straightforward. Second stanza talks about the second road which is about the same as the first one. Third stanza discusses about notice that the leaves were both fresh fallen on them both and had not been walked on, but then again claims that maybe he would come back and also walk the first one sometime, but he doubted he would be able to, because in life one thing leads to another and time is short. Fourth stanza, at the being of the story the narrator talks about both of the road being the same distance. However, at the end of the poem the narrator talks about he took the one less traveled road. This tends to emphasize the importance of this last stanza and ignore the previous stanzas where the narrator reveals the roads are about the same. Narrator of Road Not Taken discusses great detail about how any choice we make is going to make “all the difference” in how our future turns out.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Journey By Mary Oliver

After reading The Journey twice, i understand what the author was talking about. From my point of view, Mary Oliver is talking about the journey everyone has to take in life. In that journey, everyone is going to face tough time in life. There are going to be people that give bad advise and criticize, and there are going to be people that are helpful. However, the poem says you don't need to listen anybody ,you must listen to your heart and obey your rules. During this time you can meet many difficulties but you must be patient and determined. Last four line of the poem was surprising to me in some way. "Determined to do the only thing you could do--determined to save the only life you could save." Eventually, a person realizes they can't save anyone in life other than him/herself. I think that author implying that the author was held back by other people to complete his Journey. Maybe that is why his sound little bit selfish at the end of the poem. I don't know if that is right or not but that is what i think of the poem. This poem is really good because it is straightforward to the point. This is definitely one of my favorite poems. Mainly, this poem is about survival and achieving your goals. Nice poem.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


One of the main reason I hate English is because of poetry. My dislike of poetry is because of the wording. Most of time when I read the poem I don't understand the main point behind it. Therefore, I end up using the internet to get analysis of the poems. However, the last poem I remember is The Chimney Sweeper. First time i read the poem, i didn't understand the main theme behind the story. Then I went online and search the topic and it all make sense. I don't remember much about the Chimney Sweeper but i know it is about a young boy. how young boy was when his father sold him when he was so young that he couldn't even cry the traditional street cry of the chimney sweepers (sweep, sweep, sweep). The stanza finishes by describing the poor conditions that the child has to live in. The second stanza then goes on to describe another chimney sweeper called Tom Dacre, a child who is crying because his hair has just been shaved off, the other child comforts Tom, telling him that his hair color will no longer be spoiled by the soot. This a very sad poem because it reflects how the Chimney Sweepers were suffering but they didn't show it nevertheless they were trying to be happy by imaging positive thing such as Angels and God. I am surprised that I remember this much about the poem.